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Engineering & Maintenance

Dentistry & Rehabilitation

Head of the Department

Dr. Pramod Sankar S

Associate Professor
Phone - 0490 23 99 231
Email - sankar.pramod@gmail.com

Cancer patients often have compromised dental health either due to the disease, comorbidities or the effect due to the treatment they undergo. Maintenance of optimum dental health is of paramount importance to the overall quality of life of the cer patients. We, the Department of Dentistry & Rehabilitation at MCCPGIOSR, provides dental services ONLY to  the registered cancer patients. 

Prehabilitation dental screening for all Head and neck cancer patients undergoing surgery and /or radiotherapy is a mandate. Dental restorations, oral prophylaxis, fixed and removable prosthesis are being provided for the patients. All the patients will be regularly followed up for optimum dental health during active treatment and post cancer treatment.

Surgical patients are rehabilitated by means of appropriate maxillofacial prosthesis. This includes obturators and different prosthesis like nasal, ocular and orbital prosthesis. 

Department also provides dental implant treatment for the needy. 

Hematological patients and patients with solid tumors having skeletal metastasis are also screened for dental health and provided with necessary dental treatments and dental hygiene measures. Patients planned for Bone marrow transplants undergo dental screening and proceeds only after getting a dental fitness.

Pediatric patients undergo routine dental evaluation and appropriate dental treatment prior and during the course of treatment. 

Sl Faculty Name Designation
1 Dr. Pramod Sankar S Associate Professor